Über Nirvana Shop

How it started

Nirvana's history can be traced way back to the end of the 1980s. At the time, Nirvana's founder Mau was working at Positronics, the legendary Amsterdam grow shop.

It was here that he attained the knowledge and inspiration to start his cannabis seed business.

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Meet the team

Founder of Nirvana in 1995. Mau spent years in experimenting, growing, cross-breeding and developing new strains.

Wilfred offered to help Mau to expand his business online. While it's common to shop online nowadays. Back then, it was a considerable deal.

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Coupons & vouchers

On the hunt for active coupon codes for your purchase at Nirvana Shop? Save yourself time browsing the internet. You are in the right place! This is the official coupon page for your purchase at Nirvana Shop.

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